Cheese without milk?

The European Union asked the Italian government to eliminate a law of 1974 which prohibits the bel paese to make cheese and yogurts formaggiwith powdered milk something that in other European countries instead is quite the norm. For Italians this would mean a cheapening of their milk products, and they are fighting this provision. The rationale behind this, for the EU, is that having free circulation of products among all European countries would not allow other nations (Germany, Poland e Lithuania, for example), to compete on the Italian local markets. Italy has one of the strictest laws in terms of preservation of the quality “Made in Italy” for cheeses, like mozzarella, for example. This would also effect other products with denominations like PDO (protected designation of origin) and PGI (protected geographical indication) that certify that the cheese is made in a certain territory and its qualities depend of the peculiar terrain of its origin. Such Italian products that have these marks are: Ricotta Romana, Provolone, Parmigiano Reggiano, Ragusano and Raschera cheese, etc. For a complete list you can consult the link created by the Italian Department of Agriculture. We will see who will prevail in the months to come.

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